Create greater impact with your company's DEI Initiatives thru multicultural events at Midtown Global Market. It’s a 12-month opportunity to align your brand with the community and customers while supporting locally owned BIPOC businesses. “Midtown Global Market stage presented by YOUR BRAND”
Exclusive stage sponsorship opportunity for 12-months
Sponsor banner with name & logo to skirt the bottom of the stage
Stage name mentions during events -weekly
Logo & Link on the events page at:
Logo inclusion in printed event signage in Market
Social Media inclusion with stage event promotions (name, hashtag or link)
Graphic in rotation on in-Market video screens
Opportunities for YOUR BRAND on-site -twice per quarter
There is an average of (12) events per month programmed on the stage.
* MGM retains the opportunity to provide title sponsorships, partners & participants for events.
Contact: Matt Tell Executive Director -Friends of Global Market 612-475-2436
All proceeds from Sponsorships go to Friends of Global Market and the mission to to support the Midtown Global Market as a vital community resource that supports small business, cultural diversity and free/low-cost programming. More: FriendsOfGlobalMarket.Org