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Neighborhood Night: El Zorro y El Cuy


El Zorro y El Cuy
by Gustavo Boada

El Zorro y El Cuy is performed in Spanish. We find that children love puppetry in any language! (English description below)

Este nuevo espectáculo de títeres nos hace viajar a través de los Andes peruanos, al mismo tiempo que nos presentan, las historias más populares del engañador. El CUY es un roedor de rápido pensamiento que siempre logra engañar al ZORRO hambriento. Ambos personajes encarnan los arquetipos de la supervivencia en los escarpados montañaa y los desolados valles andinos. Sus historias son infinitas, aquí el titiritero muestra las tres más conocidas. Se realiza con títeres de mano y pequeñas marionetas.

Travel through the Peruvian Andes as the puppeteers introduce the most popular trickster stories: The Fox and The Guinea Pig. The Guinea Pig is quick thinking rodent who always manages to trick the hungry fox. Both characters embody the archetypes of the survival in the rugged cliff and desolate Andean valleys. Their stories are endless, here the puppeteer shows the three most well known. Performed with hand puppets and small marionettes.

** Note the change in lineup. Way of the Monarch was originally scheduled to perform on this date. **

See the Facebook event:


Midtown Global Market will host six, FREE Heart of the Beast performances in the Midtown Central Court on Thursday nights during the weekly Neighborhood Night celebrations this fall. Come for the show and stay for the “Make-n-Take” workshop based on that day’s puppet show theme. You’ll leave with your own puppet creation to take home.

HOBT uses water, flour, newspaper, paint, and unlimited imagination to tell stories that explore the struggles and celebrations of human existence. Drawing inspiration from the world's traditions of puppet and mask theatre and its lively roots in transformative ritual and street theatre, HOBT creates vital, poetic theater for all ages and backgrounds.

Earlier Event: December 11
Breathe and Yoga
Later Event: December 13
Wells Fargo Holiday Chorus